- Garrett Pace successfully defended his dissertation. Dr. Pace will begin his new position as an assistant professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas in fall 2022. Congratulations Garrett!
- MSW and Joint PhD student Olivia D. Chang's research project, "A Strengths-based Perspective on Coping Strategies and Wellbeing During COVID-19,” was accepted for presentation during the Psi Chi program at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association and won a Regional Research Award from Psi Chi.
- Recent doctoral student graduate Joyce Y. Lee (now an assistant professor at Ohio State University) and associate professor Shawna J. Lee were coauthors of a paper that received the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) "Diversity and Inclusion in Men in Families Research Article Award" for 2020. Learn more from the University of Michigan School of Work.
- Dr. Shawna J. Lee, Director of the Parenting in Context Research Lab was featured on page 10 in the fifth issue of AHEAD, the University of Michigan School of Social Work research magazine. As COVID-19 has become the defining story of our year, so has the impact of COVID on social work research become the defining story of this issue.
- In this episode of Michigan Minds (Maize & BLUEprint: Recognizing the Emotional Impacts of COVID-19), Dr. Shawna J. Lee talks about how COVID-19 has impacted everyone differently, and shares some ways faculty can recognize the toll it has taken on their students and colleagues.
- Parents are having more conflict with children since pandemic featured in University of Michigan News Press Release.
- Doctoral student Joyce Lee was awarded the Family Strengthening Scholars dissertation grant from the Administration for Child and Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Doctoral student Garrett Pace began NICHD traineeship at the Population Studies Center, researching intergenerational and cultural influences on the formation of marital and cohabiting unions.
- Doctoral student Garrett Pace's study mentioned in Michigan Radio's U of M study: Higher elementary student suspension rates linked to a lack of alternatives.
- Joyce Lee (doctoral student), Heather Knauer (post-doc), and Shawna Lee (assoc prof) - with colleagues Craig Garfield and Mark MacEachern - published a systematic review of perinatal programs for fathers in the journal Pediatrics, just in time for father's day!
- Joyce Lee and Shawna Lee's OpEd “Fathers forgotten when it comes to services to help them be good parents, new study finds” was published on The Conversation.
- University of Michigan press release related to the Pediatrics article.
- AAP Gateway covers content from the Pediatrics article.
- Matt Graham with the Genesee County Health Department’s Engaged Father program was the guest speaker at the Dads & Donuts event in Flint, as mentioned by Genesee Health Plan.
- Kathryn Berringer, Alex Lu (MSW student) and Joyce Y. Lee received the Doctoral Poster Awards at the School of Social Work's Social Justice in Social Work Research Symposium.
- Doctoral student Garrett Pace was awarded the UM School of Social Work Rosemary Sarri Endowed Scholarship. Congratulations Garrett!
- Dr. Heather Knauer, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, published a paper titled "Stimulating Parenting Practices in Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Mexican Communities" in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Congratulations Heather!
- Doctoral student Joyce Lee officially passed her social work preliminary exam to advance to candidacy—congratulations Joyce!
- Doctoral students Garrett Pace & Joyce Lee presented at the annual Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) conference in Washington, D.C.
- Doctoral student Joyce Lee was accepted as a student editorial board member for the journal Child Maltreatment for 2018-2019.
- Dr. Lee received a grant from the UM Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) for a Faculty Communities for Inclusive Teaching project to revamp the social welfare policy and programs course.
- Joyce Lee & Dr. Lee’s study on stay-at-home fathers called “Caring is masculine: Stay-at-home fathers and masculine identity” was published in the journal Psychology of Men & Masculinity.
- Dr. Heather Knauer, Joyce Lee, and Dr. Lee’s submission for the American Psychological Association (APA) conference was accepted for presentation at the annual meeting in August 2018.
- Doctoral student Joyce Lee and Postdoctoral Research Scholar Dr. Heather Knauer were invited to present their work during the Division 7 Young Investigator Symposium at the American Psychological Association (APA) annual meeting in San Francisco, in August 2018.
- Shawna J. Lee and her colleague Reka Balu from MDRC presented "Incorporating behavioral science into a smartphone app to reduce fathers’ barriers to participation in fatherhood programs" at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Research Conference in Chicago.
- Our research was also mentioned in U.S. News and World Report.
- Dr. Lee's research project Transactional Family Processes Supporting Father Involvement and Child Socio-emotional Wellbeing was funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) (1R15HD091763-0l, $462,411; 9/1/17-8/31/20).
- Dr. Lee and colleagues had 4 papers accepted for presentation at the the annual meeting of the Society for Social Work & Research (SSWR), to take place in January in Washington, D.C.
- Lee, J., Volling, B., Lee, S.J., & Altschul, I. Longitudinal and bidirectional relations between coparenting relationship quality and father engagement among diverse low-income families.
- Pace, G., & Lee, S.J. A family systems approach to examining mothers' and fathers' parenting warmth and the development of early child behavior problems.
- Klein, S., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Lee, S.J., & Ma, J. Is child abuse contagious? A longitudinal analysis of the geo-temporal spread of police-investigated child abuse.
- Ma, J., Grogan-Kaylor, A., & Lee, S.J. Associations of exposure to neighborhood disorganization and maternal spanking with children’s aggression using fixed-effects models.
- Joyce Lee (Doctoral Student) and Shawna J. Lee presented a poster titled "Child emotional insecurity mediates the longitudinal relations between intimate partner violence, destructive parental conflict, and children’s behavior problems" at the Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) National Conference.
- Dr. Lee and colleagues Vijay Singh, Tova Walsh and Richard Tolman presented a poster titled "Fathers who perpetrate physical and technology-delivered intimate partner violence: Prevalence and correlates among a nationally-representative sample" at the 6th Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) National Conference.
- The Parenting in Context Research Lab welcomed new Postdoctoral Research Fellow Heather Knauer, PhD, from UC Berkeley. Dr. Knauer has a two-year appointment as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Social Work with Dr. Lee as a primary mentor.
- Dr. Lee and her colleagues from the Genesee County Healthy Start program presented on the Healthy Start Engaged Father Program at the 2017 Michigan Home Visiting Conference in Grand Rapids, MI.
- Dr. Lee presented on the Healthy Start Engaged Father Program at the HRSA Healthy Start Regional Meeting in Detroit, MI.
- Doctoral Student Joyce Lee was awarded a Faculty Allies for Diversity Learning Community’s Summer 2017 Manuscript Writing Fellowship ($2,000).
- Doctoral Student Joyce Lee was awarded a Rackham Training Award to take Bayesian Modeling for the Social Sciences at the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research’s 2017 Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research.
- Doctoral Student Joyce Lee was awarded an Institute for Social Research-Rackham Summer 2017 Training Award.
- Muzi Lin, undergraduate student in the Parenting in Context Research Lab, presented a poster titled "The transition to fatherhood: Examination of Men's expectations and preparation" at the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Annual Research Spring Symposium at the University of Michigan Union.
- Joyce Lee, doctoral student in the Parenting in Context Research Lab, presented a paper titled "Coparenting quality predicts low-income residential fathers’ involvement with their young children" at the 2017 Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) in Austin, TX.
- Dr. Lee participated as a discussant at a round table organized by Dr. Twila Tardif, titled "Conversation roundtable on using technology- and non-technology based interventions in underserved communities and families" at the 2017 Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) meeting in Austin, TX.
- Dr. Lee gave an invited presentation on the topic of "Working with community agencies to establish father interventions" at the Fathers and Families: New Perspectives and Future Directions Preconference Meeting, at the 2017 meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) in Austin, TX.
- Dr. Lee was guest editor and wrote the introduction to the March issue of the APSAC Advisor on corporal punishment. The introduction to the special issue reviews the empirical evidence supporting APSAC’s Position Statement calling for an end to corporal punishment in all U.S. homes and schools.
- Dr. Lee named as a 2017 Society for Social Work and Research Fellow.
- Dr. Lee awarded grant ($108,348) from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, for the Healthy Start Engaged Father Program.
- Dr. Lee and her colleagues had two papers and a conversation roundtable accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD), to take place in April 2017 in Austin, TX.
- Dr. Lee's research on Michigan's emergency management law is cited in Dr. Paul Mohai's testimony on environmental justice, presented to the Michigan Civil Rights Commission during their hearings on the Flint water crisis.
- Dr. Lee and second year doctoral student Joyce Lee's study, Caring is Masculine: Stay-at-Home Fathers and Masculine Identity, published in Psychology of Men & Masculinity and featured on the American Psychological Association Division 51 blog.
- Dr. Lee and her colleagues had three papers accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Work & Research (SSWR), to take place in January 2017 in New Orleans:
- Lee, S.J., Singh, V., Walsh, T., & Tolman, R. What young men know about babies, and why it matters.
- Walsh, T., Tolman, R., Lee, S.J., & Singh, V. (2017). Expectant fathers’ presence at ultrasound: Opportunity for engagement.
- Altschul, I., & Lee, S.J. (2017). Longitudinal cross-lagged associations between maternal spanking and child aggression are not moderated by race, although levels of spanking differ among racial groups.
- Dr. Lee led the planning for the University of Michigan School of Social Work 2015 Fauri Lecture on Innovative Service Delivery Models for Child Welfare: Promoting Positive Father Engagement. Dr. Jay Fagan, Director of the Fatherhood Research Practice Network (FRPN) gave the keynote address on "The Quest for Innovative and Effective Programs for Low-Income Fathers." Guest speakers including Dr. Cleo Caldwell from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Murray Davis from Matrix Human Services and Mike Kildee from Genesee Intermediate School District. More information on the event is featured here.